Selected links to oddities and sights of interest. We rejoice in every nomination from your part.
Bands and Friends
Google A 1 followed by one-hundred zeros
Kniff 17's appearance Schinken verliert - A band disappears
Versalife With the mission to yield hope for those about to rock…
Liger, Bruspi, Yeah Pretty Boy, ... Traditional Postpunk/Hardcore/Indie/Acoustic/Electronica/Postfolk/...
Jake Heroic Supermetal
Goddamned X Austrian Death'n'Roll
Gorch Fock Sailor Rock with Trombones (this link actually sort of belongs to the plagiarism corner)
The Werktag Multitalented Artist
Labels and/or Netlabels or the like Beatismurder, the Recordlabel (obviously needs more cowbells)
Destroyed Music
Jugendkulturförderverein from Puach